Using CZMQ I'm trying to capture the routing identity frame of a message 
received off a ROUTER socket.  I see in the draft API that methods exist for 
this for a SERVER socket;


//  *** Draft method, for development use, may change without warning ***

//  Return message routing ID, if the message came from a ZMQ_SERVER socket.

//  Else returns zero.

CZMQ_EXPORT uint32_t

    zmsg_routing_id (zmsg_t *self);

//  *** Draft method, for development use, may change without warning ***

//  Set routing ID on message. This is used if/when the message is sent to a

//  ZMQ_SERVER socket.


    zmsg_set_routing_id (zmsg_t *self, uint32_t routing_id);

I believe my installation of CZMQ built the draft API; but I cannot work out 
how to access it in my code, is a pre-processor definition required?  Also do 
the these methods also work for ROUTER sockets?

Really though, I'd rather stick with the stable version. Please could someone 
enlighten me on how to get the identity frame using CZMQ?  I tried this:

//Inbound from ROUTER so will be carrying an identity frame
zframe_t *identity = zframe_new_empty();
identity = zmsg_pop(msgIn);//strip off id frame

but it crashes at runtime.

With thanks,

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