Thanks Brett,

So having two sockets, one for sending and one for receiving is the way to

By message order restrictions I meant the send/recv pattern to be
unrestricted, no mandatory order of send/recv. The server could send an
arbitrary number of messages to the client.

One-to-many as in one server socket to handle multiple client connections,
just like the CLIENT/SERVER sockets.


On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 7:22 PM Brett Viren <> wrote:

> Attila Magyari <> writes:
> > Reading the docs all the other sockets seem to have extra restrictions or
> > complications, which would not meet my needs:
> > - bidirectional
> I assume you mean symmetrically bidirectional?
> If so, a pair of PUSH/PULL (or PUB/SUB) on each end would provide that.
> > - no message order restrictions
> I don't know what this means here.
> > - one-to-many client-server type of connections
> Also, unclear to me.
> Client-server implies reply-request which is not (symmetrically)
> bidirectional.
> One DEALER may send the same request to many REP or ROUTER sockets.
> -Brett.
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