
Centre committed to provide reservation to Dalits: Meira Kumar

Hyderabad, April 19 : The Centre was committed to provide reservation for Dalits in private sector, Meira Kumar, Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment, said here.

Speaking at the validictory of a national seminar on Babu Jagjivan Ram's contribution to nation building here today, Meira Kumar said there was no dearth of meritorious candidates among the dalits.

"Private sector in the country was reluctant to provide reservations to the Dalits because of the wrong belief that there was no merit in this section of society," she said.

Earlier in the day, while inaugurating the meet, the Union Minister said Jagjivan Ram fought for social justice without creating bitterness in social relations.

He was a great patriot and his idealogy was still relevant to the present generation, she added.

M S Swaminathan, Chairman, National Commission for Farmers, said in his keynote address that the country was presently in an agrarian crisis.

The draft national policy on agriculture, submitted recently to the Union Agriculture Ministry envisaged a host o measures to improve agriculture, he said.

"With more than 30 districts in the country are reeling under the threat of farmers' suicides, some thing needs to be done," he said.

The seminar was organised by Forum For Social Justice, a non governmental organisation.

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