SC, ST reservation in govt. deptt not implemented satisfactorily: report

The Imphal Free Press

IMPHAL, Apr 17: Almost all the departments under the state government were not maintaining the 100 point roster reservation in services for the schedule caste and schedule tribes.

This was revealed by the committee on the welfare of schedule castes and schedule tribes in its report of 2005 submitted to the state government during the month of March this year.

The report stated that with a view to take up the pending cases relating to reservation in services for the schedule castes and tribes the committee collected information/documents regarding the existing staff strength from all departments by supplying a sample performa for indication of the numbers of group `B` (class-II), group `C` and `D` employees working.

The said information has to show whether the departments have maintained the 100 point roster reservation in services for the scheduled castes and tribes. The committee received the required information in the first phase, from the department of horticulture, agriculture, tribal development, forest, transport, social welfare and information and public relation etc. However, the committee received no information from the department of higher education and family welfare.

on analysing, the reports submitted by various departments, the committee got a fair knowledge of non- performance of various departments in the matter of implementation of the reservation of scheduled castes and tribes in posts and services under the state government,stated the report.

The committee recommended that all the head of departments need to be more vigilant and to collect various information from their respective departments and to inform the committee of any lapses found in the implementation.

As per the report, the committee also not satisfied with the present trend of reservation of seats for students belonging to scheduled castes and tribes in admission to universities, colleges and other educational institutions and training, etc.

The committee also urged the state government to give instructions to all concerned authorities to notify the numbers of seats available for scheduled castes and tribes students so as to facilitate their admission.

The committee found that funds allocated to the state government by the central government under the tribal sub-plan (TSP) and special central assistance to special component plan (SCP) for the welfare of the scheduled castes and tribes, were not fully utlised. This was clear from the statements submitted by the tribal development department, the nodal agency for the state to implements such programmes.

The committee also detected many irregularities in the implementation of schemes under welfare of schedule caste. As for instance the department procured 27.00 MTs of 0.63 mm GCI sheets from the Steel Authority of India Limited at the cost of Rs. 13 lakhs for distribution to 54 numbers of scheduled caste families during the year 2004-05. However, the committee found the whole consignment of GCI sheets and other materials procured for distribution to scheduled caste families have been kept in the godown till now.

The department concerned could not explain satisfactorily why these materials have not been distributed. The committee urged the state government for timely distribution of all the materials in its report.


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