'Backward caste' deal for students fires Indian middle class
By Peter Foster in New Delhi
(Filed: 18/04/2006)

Draconian quotas that will force India's colleges to select half of their students from "backward castes" and other minorities has caused outrage among the middle classes, who already face fierce competition for university places.

The Government plans have also cast doubt on the ability of the country's leading universities to compete with the best in the world.

Under current law, 27 per cent of all university places are reserved for the "scheduled tribes and castes" who were identified at the time of independence as needing preferential treatment to help them to enter mainstream society.

But proposals to increase the caste quota to 49.5 per cent, contained in a draft bill to be submitted to parliament next month, have raised serious questions about the meritocratic credentials of the "new" India.

Students and teachers from across the elite campuses rallied last week to protest against the plans, which they say amount to reverse discrimination that will bring down standards and hold back the country's long-term development.

P V Indresan, a former director of the Indian Institute of Technology, in Madras - the Oxbridge of Indian universities - said the proposals were "a disaster" and predicted that they would do nothing to reduce inequality.

Non-quota students complain that the reservation system is open to abuse, as many "backward caste" people have already benefited from decades of preferment. Others say that a system of financial means testing would be fairer.

Medical schools have not been exempted from the quota proposals, which critics say will lead to sub-standard doctors who have qualified not on the basis of their ability but their parentage.

However, supporters among the Left-wing parties said that expanded reservations were an essential component of a drive to achieve a more just and equal society, comparing them to American "affirmative action" policies.

The economic boom of the past decade has been partly built on a pool of well-educated, English-speaking graduates but that supply is starting to dry up.

Experts have expressed worries that enforcing the new quotas will reduced India's ability to produce sufficient numbers of the high-level graduates needed to compete in a globalised economy.

The decision to nearly double caste quotas also sits uncomfortably with the meritocratic profile of the prime minister, Manmohan Singh, a former World Bank economist who studied at Oxford.

His critics have accused him of electoral populism, saying that introducing quotas is a crude attempt to garner the votes of the people known as "other backward castes", or OBCs, who represent half of the electorate.

The new quota could prove to be a windfall for British universities. The Times of India predicted that students excluded from their own universities by the quotas would have "no option but to flee" to Britain and America.

Britain has an estimated 17,000 Indian students at present and British universities are mounting aggressive marketing campaigns in India.

Last month Lord Patten, the former governor of Hong Kong who is now the chancellor of Oxford University, visited the country as part of a campaign to increase the numbers of Indians at Oxford.

Indian students are valued by universities not only as a source of revenue - fees for international students at Oxford exceed £11,000 a year - but also for an appetite for work that would shame many British students.

Such is the competition for places in India's leading institutions - 155,000 students competed for 1,500 places at the elite Institutes of Management last year - that students are not afraid of working 12-hour days to earn a chance to get ahead.



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