Dalit groom creates history in MP

 Rakesh Tewary, Rubina Khan Shapoo
Saturday, April 21, 2007 (Sagar)

Akshay tritya, considered the most auspicious day for weddings, will
yet again see thousands of couples coming together this year. But one
wedding in Madhya Pradesh will stand out.

Though Sagar is only 30 kms from Baamnaur, it's taken centuries for a
dalit to cross over on a horse.

Bridegroom Surendra Ahirwaar perhaps created a history of sorts, at
least in the region when he became the first Dalit groom to sit on a
horse and lead his wedding procession.

''Every man dreams that when he becomes a bridegroom he should sit on
a horse. This was my dream too,'' said Surender Ahirwaar, bridegroom.

Horses are reserved for the upper caste. This is an unwritten rule
thats been followed for centuries in the Yadav dominated Baamnaur
village without any opposition.

So when Surender announced his intentions, the upper castes were far
from pleased.

''The sarpanch and his brother threatened us and the girl's family
that if we dared to bring a horse in the baraat then the consequences
would be very bad. That's why we gave an application to the police,''
said Vrindavan Ahirwaar, bridegroom's uncle.

Not surprisingly, the upper castes boycotted the wedding. And even the
preparations had to be carried out under security.

''Adequate police force is there. The police is trying that to avoid
conflict happens in the village,'' said G P Sharma, Prabhari Police
Station, Bandri, Sagar.

It was indeed one wedding that has given people something to talk
about for years.

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