Court verdict recognises Haliya's rights   [ 2007-4-19 ]

KATHMANDU, Apr. 18: The Supreme Court has handed down a historic
verdict in connection with the Haliya system which had been pending
for four years.

The apex court, on April 16, gave its verdict in favour of the Haliyas
in response to a case related to the abolishment of the Haliya system
filed in 2003. The government and related bodies were made the
defendants in the case.

National President of Nepal National Dalit Society Association, Bhakta
Bishwakarma gave out this information at a programme the Association
organised here Wednesday to disseminate the Supreme Court verdict in
favour of the Haliya rights.

The Haliya system is a vestige of the base form of slavery among the
many social practices existing in the nine districts of the Far
Western Development Region of Nepal.

Under this system, the people from the Dalit community have to work
for many generations as the ploughman for a small amount of credit
taken from the lender without getting any wages. Similarly, the
children and women members of the people from the Dalit community
working as Haliya have to work for the lender without any wages. This
system has been in existence since 105 years.

This verdict of the Supreme Court has freed the Haliyas from the
bondage to their lenders as the Kamaiyas. The Association has urged
the government and the concerned bodies for fully implementing the
verdict which it said is a historic success of the oppressed and the
downtrodden Haliyas.

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