

Lessons in unreason
Wednesday April 25 2007 08:29 IST
Pratap Bhanu Mehta

Respected Heads of IIMs: I hope you will pardon my presumptuousness in
writing to you like this. But this matter is of some importance. Last
week we saw a chilling episode unfold in the history of Indian higher
education. The facts are simple. The Supreme Court has ordered a stay on
implementing the OBC quota.

In response, IIM Ahmedabad had initially proposed what seemed like a
sensible measure: release the general list of admitted candidates, while
withholding the list of candidates admitted under the OBC quota for this
year. This list would be released depending upon what transpired in the
apex court. This proposal was reasonable.

It did not put on hold the academic calendar; nor did it prevent the
implementation of OBC reservations, if the court gave the green signal.
But then, the IIMs, following a directive from the HRD ministry, first
issued on April 5 and reiterated on April 19, decided to withhold the
release of any lists. Whatever the outcome of the court proceedings, the
manner in which the IIMs conducted themselves is outrageous.

A terse one-line order issued by a joint secretary of the Government of
India was enough to bring India's mightiest institutions to their knees.
Perhaps it is a sign of just how chilling this episode is that we have
even failed to register all that it reveals.

The bane of Indian higher education is that most of it is now governed
by political rather than pedagogical considerations. Many excellent
universities are now empty shells because they became appendages of the
government: everything, from the academic calendar to appointments, is
increasingly determined by ministries and politicians.

Even regulatory institutions like the UGC, whose job was to shield
universities from egregious government interference, have often become
conduits for political design. The lines that separated the
professoriate and the civil service are being seriously eroded.
Government secretaries now regularly attend meeting of independent
regulatory bodies and most states have no compunction putting civil
servants in charge of our affairs.

But we took solace in the fact that a few islands of excellence survive,
their eminence protecting them from government interference. Alas, this
illusion was finally shattered last week.

What was disturbing is that your eminent institutions were becoming a
party to the government's attempts to almost blackmail the court. After
all, the compromise IIM-A had suggested would have honoured the
integrity of all positions; instead you chose to play into government's
hands by abetting a scenario of potential chaos that would have ensued
if the entire list was withheld.

Of course all institutions, even autonomous ones, have to negotiate with
government. But to see the premier institutions put aside all logic,
morality and reasonableness to comply with a unnecessary and
illegitimate government order, to see them become party to the
government's disrespect for institutional proprieties, was shocking

The public would have sided with you; neither pro- ,nor
anti-reservationists would have had reason to disagree with the solution
you proposed. Yet you chose to cave in. Is it because you don't trust
your own judgment? Is it because you are no longer capable of providing
leadership? Is it because institutional propriety has ceased to matter?
There was also the odour of double standard in what you did. When Murli
Manohar Joshi had, in the name of justice, sought to regulate fees,
cries of autonomy immediately went up.

When Arjun Singh passes an order that is at least as serious, if not
more so, there is quiet acceptance. For those of us who have despaired
of our successive ministers of education, this double standard is

Do we now judge institutional proprieties by the yardstick of our
ideological allegiances? Whatever may have been your reasons, the effect
of your decision will have been to erode the credibility of
institutions. The mark of an institution's greatness, after all, is its
ability to rise above the taint of partisanship.

I admit readily that running institutions is not easy. The multiple
pressures, the diverse demands put on you do not lend themselves to
simple solutions. And what can academics do when the political class is
hell-bent on destroying education? What can we do in the face of a
seeming political consensus? What can we do when the most academically
accomplished prime minister a nation could wish for lets his ministers
run riot? But the IIMs are important just for this reason. India looks
to its best institutions not just to build a reputation by selecting a
few out of hundreds of thousands of students.

It looks to them to provide leadership to society, to extend the
boundaries of the possible, and to enlarge our ambitions. But we cannot
imagine institutions of higher education being able to do this, if they
cannot stand up to governments on behalf of what is right and legal.

The IIM Ahmedabad website proudly makes two claims. First, that the
empowerment of faculty has been the propelling force behind the
institution. But there is very little evidence of faculty governance in
decisions like this. Second, that the institution combines the best of
eastern and western values. I wondered what this referred to. After all
it was one of the virtues of the Indian tradition that even kshatriyas
used to keep their arms outside before entering the gurukula.

Let me be clear. The issue is not reservations. The cause for concern
goes even deeper. The IIMs are, in numerical terms, small institutions.
But their power to define aspirations is large. In succumbing to the
government, in the manner you did, you disempowered all those who are
fighting for values you hold dear: institutional propriety, autonomy,
and a proper matching of ends and means. One thing the history of
institutions teaches us is that autonomy has to be earned, it does not
inhere in mere statutes.

Your faculty, your boards can leverage the power of their eminence to
reform higher education, if they so desire. Those of us interested in,
and associated with, India's higher education already feel considerably
diminished by the track record of so many institutions. The day IIMs
succumbed was truly a sad day, because we felt even smaller.

The writer is president, Centre for Policy Research.

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