Posted: Mon, May 7 2007. 1:55 AM IST
Economy and Politics

Quota conundrum: confusion, fraud robbing real beneficiaries

At an SC hearing on 8 May, the Centre will defend its decision to
broaden the national reservation policy that sets aside 27% of all seats
at publicly-funded institutions for OBCs

By Priyanka P. Narain

When Haresh Lal's daughter told him she wanted to become an architect,
he thought her dream had every chance of coming true.
The family belongs to the Ghadashi caste, recognized by Maharashtra as
"backward" and eligible for reserved seats in several architectural
colleges across the state.
But to get a piece of paper saying as much, Lal has travelled to a caste
verification office in Belapur eight times in the last nine months. Each
time, Lal says, he is turned away on some pretext or the other. The
problem, he says, is that he has not offered anyone a bribe, nor can he
afford to pay one.
"I spend Rs100 per trip and travel two hours each way from Ulhasnagar,"
said Lal, tears welling under his spectacles as he is turned away for
the eighth time. "Nobody listens."
At a Supreme Court hearing scheduled for 8 May, the Centre will defend
its decision to broaden the national reservation policy to include
members of other backward classes, or OBCs. A law passed last year sets
aside 27% of all seats at publicly-funded institutions for the classes,
in addition to the existing 22.5% quota for Scheduled Castes and Tribes.
Meanwhile, states such as Maharashtra already have been trying to ensure
these same groups make up about half the students in higher education,
even extending the benefit to private colleges. But the policy has been
largely fraught with fraud, corruption and confusion over the exact
definition of "backward". Maharashtra's experience offers a window into
the difficulty of increasing access to higher education for those whom
the quotas intend to help most. Observers say convincing the court of
the need for more reservations is just the beginning. The real challenge
for the Centre, they say, will come in implementation.
"The real OBCs—and no one really knows who they are, but assuming they
mean the educationally and economically backward groups—don't get to
reap the benefits of reservations," said Neera Shastri, a member of the
National Commission of the Backward Classes for the last six years. "It
is only the rich communities that benefit. It's all about politics."
Guaranteeing access to opportunity for lower-caste and lower-class
citizens has been an issue with which India has wrestled for much of its
60-year history since Independence. In April 2006, the ruling Congress
party invoked the contentious 1989 Mandal commission report, which
recommended that reservations in public colleges and government jobs
reach 49.5%, in an avatar that came to be dubbed "Mandal II."
Minister for human resources development Arjun Singh has led the
campaign to set aside the 27% of seats at Centre-funded institutions
like the Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian Institutes of
Management for members of OBCs, a group mixing professional
designations—butchers and tea workers, for example—with religious
sub-groups like Ambedkarite Buddhists, Parsis, Dalit Christians and
Dalit Muslims.
For those who fall in these categories and want to seek admissions or
jobs under their right to reservations, a caste validation certificate
is mandatory. It is submitted along with an official caste certificate,
a separate document also requiring application. The validation
certificate is proof that government officials have investigated
documents and approved the claim of "backwardness," said B.B. Patil, who
works in Maharashtra's scheduled tribes verification department and
occasionally doubles as a middleman between applicants and officers.
The office is intended to be the last line of defence against fraudulent
claims, explained Shastri. But that is not the way it has worked out. As
Lal, who performs religious rituals for a living, waited tearfully,
Patil told him to stop crying: "No one cares for your tears. Bring some
contacts and ask about the money."
Again, Lal protested. "I have no money to give anyone. I am a poor man."
Patil, realizing the man was about to start crying again, said, "Don't
worry. Aadmi dekh ke baat kartein hain. Aap chai pila dena, lunch kara
dena restaurant mein." His implication was that a person's wallet is
inspected as much as his caste. You can just get us a cup of tea, or a
lunch at a restaurant, he assured.
Lal nodded and shuffled away to pace the dingy corridor. When he was out
of earshot, Patil said that if Lal continued in this manner, no officer
would help. "He should know how to talk about money. They need to be
given something. A cup of chai can do it. Or if the officer thinks you
have money, he can even demand one lakh rupees."
Also, there are many officers to pay off, he explained. "If you give it
to one, he will give your file to the next person. You have to give a
little bit to everyone in the chain. Otherwise your file will gather
dust on someone's desk."
When Mint recounted the scenario to N.N. Bhadikar, deputy secretary at
the ministry of social justice in Maharashtra, he did not seem
surprised. Bhadikar also said the state government is aware of fake
certificates being issued but little can be done. "We have had court
cases about some fake certificates, too," he said, adding that the caste
verification committee is a quasi-judicial authority. "We have only
administrative control there. Otherwise, we cannot interfere with the
way it works."
Complaints must be made through courts and police, he said. Thus, those
who are able to, say they pay—whether or not they really fall into the
lower caste or class categories.
B. Patel is a Mumbai-based Gujarati Lawa Patil, which is considered an
OBC in Maharashtra (although not in some other states, such as
neighbouring Gujarat). When his son decided to apply to an engineering
college, Patel went to the Belapur office to get a caste validation
certificate. Officers demanded Rs60,000 from Patel, who runs a small
construction business. "And I had to give it," he said simply. "The need
was mine."
The certificates are needed upon admission and failure to submit can
mean the loss of a seat; with admission rates at some colleges less than
1%, to say seats are highly coveted and precious is an understatement.
"If you make something so important that it can make careers, anyone can
pay anything for it," said Gunjan Sharma, a final-year medical student
and a member of the anti-quota Youth For Equality's chapter in Mumbai.
"That document means they will get admissions to some of the best
schools without working hard, they will get subsidized education and get
a job."
Under the current system, groups belonging to scheduled castes and
tribes and other backward classes need to pass a lower bar in
competitive exams; they also pay lower fees to study at some of the
state's best institutions. In most states, these same groups also
qualify for job reservations and faster promotions within the
Many change their names and convert to Ambedkarite Buddhism for it, said
Patil. "It is not hard to do if you have money," he said. He refers to
the sect of Buddhism founded by Babasaheb Ambedkar, who came from a
lower-caste Mahar family from Maharashtra. Ambedkar published a series
of articles in 1956 suggesting that Buddhism was the only way for
untouchables to gain equality in India. In October that year, he
converted his 3,80,000 "untouchable" followers to Buddhism.
In an ironic twist, several upper-caste Hindus have also converted in
order to benefit from reservations, Patil said.
The 27% quota law was passed in January and was about to come into
effect when the Supreme Court intervened and imposed a stay in late
March; it continued that stay last month. The Centre's appeals to revoke
the ruling have been ignored so far, but it was successful in moving up
a hearing from August to May.
"This country belongs to everyone. Everyone has the same right to its
institutions, not just privileged people. I have benefited from
reservations and I think it is a good thing. It is the way to bring
people to the mainstream," said Dr Alankar Ramteke, an orthopaedic
surgeon at JJ Hospital in Mumbai. A son of Ambedkarite Buddhists from
Maharashtra, Ramteke says that villages "need this push."
"Otherwise how do you expect a fatherless village boy to compete with a
boy in the city whose mother gives him food on a plate while he
Other students disagree, citing the fraud. Dr Sachin Salvi, who belongs
to the "backward" caste of Palshet from a village in Maharashtra, said
his parents are farmers and cultivate paddy. "I don't think reservation
in higher education benefits anyone. If you do a survey, you will find
that those who use these reservations are not children of poor people...
How can they compete...without having studied properly in schools?"
The national commission's Shastri said the OBC issue has been exploited
as a way for politicians to get votes. "If they did want to help OBCs,
they'd invest in rural education," she said.
Meanwhile, Haresh Lal has not received the verification certificate for
his daughter. He plans to return on Monday, waiting in line for the
ninth time.

For those who fall in these categories and want to seek admissions or
jobs under their right to reservations, a caste validation certificate
is mandatory. It is submitted along with an official caste certificate,
a separate document also requiring application. The validation
certificate is proof that government officials have investigated
documents and approved the claim of "backwardness," said B.B. Patil, who
works in Maharashtra's scheduled tribes verification department and
occasionally doubles as a middleman between applicants and officers.
The office is intended to be the last line of defence against fraudulent
claims, explained Shastri. But that is not the way it has worked out. As
Lal, who performs religious rituals for a living, waited tearfully,
Patil told him to stop crying: "No one cares for your tears. Bring some
contacts and ask about the money."
Again, Lal protested. "I have no money to give anyone. I am a poor man."
Patil, realizing the man was about to start crying again, said, "Don't
worry. Aadmi dekh ke baat kartein hain. Aap chai pila dena, lunch kara
dena restaurant mein." His implication was that a person's wallet is
inspected as much as his caste. You can just get us a cup of tea, or a
lunch at a restaurant, he assured.
Lal nodded and shuffled away to pace the dingy corridor. When he was out
of earshot, Patil said that if Lal continued in this manner, no officer
would help. "He should know how to talk about money. They need to be
given something. A cup of chai can do it. Or if the officer thinks you
have money, he can even demand one lakh rupees."
Also, there are many officers to pay off, he explained. "If you give it
to one, he will give your file to the next person. You have to give a
little bit to everyone in the chain. Otherwise your file will gather
dust on someone's desk."
When Mint recounted the scenario to N.N. Bhadikar, deputy secretary at
the ministry of social justice in Maharashtra, he did not seem
surprised. Bhadikar also said the state government is aware of fake
certificates being issued but little can be done. "We have had court
cases about some fake certificates, too," he said, adding that the caste
verification committee is a quasi-judicial authority. "We have only
administrative control there. Otherwise, we cannot interfere with the
way it works."
Complaints must be made through courts and police, he said. Thus, those
who are able to, say they pay—whether or not they really fall into the
lower caste or class categories.
B. Patel is a Mumbai-based Gujarati Lawa Patil, which is considered an
OBC in Maharashtra (although not in some other states, such as
neighbouring Gujarat). When his son decided to apply to an engineering
college, Patel went to the Belapur office to get a caste validation
certificate. Officers demanded Rs60,000 from Patel, who runs a small
construction business. "And I had to give it," he said simply. "The need
was mine."
The certificates are needed upon admission and failure to submit can
mean the loss of a seat; with admission rates at some colleges less than
1%, to say seats are highly coveted and precious is an understatement.
"If you make something so important that it can make careers, anyone can
pay anything for it," said Gunjan Sharma, a final-year medical student
and a member of the anti-quota Youth For Equality's chapter in Mumbai.
"That document means they will get admissions to some of the best
schools without working hard, they will get subsidized education and get
a job."
Under the current system, groups belonging to scheduled castes and
tribes and other backward classes need to pass a lower bar in
competitive exams; they also pay lower fees to study at some of the
state's best institutions. In most states, these same groups also
qualify for job reservations and faster promotions within the
Many change their names and convert to Ambedkarite Buddhism for it, said
Patil. "It is not hard to do if you have money," he said. He refers to
the sect of Buddhism founded by Babasaheb Ambedkar, who came from a
lower-caste Mahar family from Maharashtra. Ambedkar published a series
of articles in 1956 suggesting that Buddhism was the only way for
untouchables to gain equality in India. In October that year, he
converted his 3,80,000 "untouchable" followers to Buddhism.
In an ironic twist, several upper-caste Hindus have also converted in
order to benefit from reservations, Patil said.
The 27% quota law was passed in January and was about to come into
effect when the Supreme Court intervened and imposed a stay in late
March; it continued that stay last month. The Centre's appeals to revoke
the ruling have been ignored so far, but it was successful in moving up
a hearing from August to May.
"This country belongs to everyone. Everyone has the same right to its
institutions, not just privileged people. I have benefited from
reservations and I think it is a good thing. It is the way to bring
people to the mainstream," said Dr Alankar Ramteke, an orthopaedic
surgeon at JJ Hospital in Mumbai. A son of Ambedkarite Buddhists from
Maharashtra, Ramteke says that villages "need this push."
"Otherwise how do you expect a fatherless village boy to compete with a
boy in the city whose mother gives him food on a plate while he
Other students disagree, citing the fraud. Dr Sachin Salvi, who belongs
to the "backward" caste of Palshet from a village in Maharashtra, said
his parents are farmers and cultivate paddy. "I don't think reservation
in higher education benefits anyone. If you do a survey, you will find
that those who use these reservations are not children of poor people...
How can they compete...without having studied properly in schools?"
The national commission's Shastri said the OBC issue has been exploited
as a way for politicians to get votes. "If they did want to help OBCs,
they'd invest in rural education," she said.
Meanwhile, Haresh Lal has not received the verification certificate for
his daughter. He plans to return on Monday, waiting in line for the
ninth time.

Under the current system, groups belonging to scheduled castes and
tribes and other backward classes need to pass a lower bar in
competitive exams; they also pay lower fees to study at some of the
state's best institutions. In most states, these same groups also
qualify for job reservations and faster promotions within the
Many change their names and convert to Ambedkarite Buddhism for it, said
Patil. "It is not hard to do if you have money," he said. He refers to
the sect of Buddhism founded by Babasaheb Ambedkar, who came from a
lower-caste Mahar family from Maharashtra. Ambedkar published a series
of articles in 1956 suggesting that Buddhism was the only way for
untouchables to gain equality in India. In October that year, he
converted his 3,80,000 "untouchable" followers to Buddhism.
In an ironic twist, several upper-caste Hindus have also converted in
order to benefit from reservations, Patil said.
The 27% quota law was passed in January and was about to come into
effect when the Supreme Court intervened and imposed a stay in late
March; it continued that stay last month. The Centre's appeals to revoke
the ruling have been ignored so far, but it was successful in moving up
a hearing from August to May.
"This country belongs to everyone. Everyone has the same right to its
institutions, not just privileged people. I have benefited from
reservations and I think it is a good thing. It is the way to bring
people to the mainstream," said Dr Alankar Ramteke, an orthopaedic
surgeon at JJ Hospital in Mumbai. A son of Ambedkarite Buddhists from
Maharashtra, Ramteke says that villages "need this push."
"Otherwise how do you expect a fatherless village boy to compete with a
boy in the city whose mother gives him food on a plate while he
Other students disagree, citing the fraud. Dr Sachin Salvi, who belongs
to the "backward" caste of Palshet from a village in Maharashtra, said
his parents are farmers and cultivate paddy. "I don't think reservation
in higher education benefits anyone. If you do a survey, you will find
that those who use these reservations are not children of poor people...
How can they compete...without having studied properly in schools?"
The national commission's Shastri said the OBC issue has been exploited
as a way for politicians to get votes. "If they did want to help OBCs,
they'd invest in rural education," she said.
Meanwhile, Haresh Lal has not received the verification certificate for
his daughter. He plans to return on Monday, waiting in line for the
ninth time.

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