The question of chitralekha raise serious issues related to the caste and non 
dalit patriarchy.Unforutnately,Kerala sufferes from the lack of 
dynamic-anti-caste counter hegemony.Most of the writings and lamentations on 
the chitralekha should be seen in the context of post-Hague declaration.The 
mainstream social science oeuvre on dalit women's question also abound with 
hackneyed expresssions related to the gender dimensions within the dalits.The 
intellectual subordination of thw non-dalit women on the question of dalit 
women should be checked by the dalit intelligentia.Chitralekha and her 
oppression redefine the foundational celebrations related to the Kerala model 
development.The oprression of the dalit women like Rajni.S.Anand,Neethu and 
Chitralekha debunk about the current  cum superficial deconstruction about the 
Kerala women.It is rare to find out the above mentioned women's voices in the 
brahmanic cum epistemic spaces of the discourses related to the so called 
 Malayalee women.

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