Untouchability finds new forms


Bageshree S.

Bangalore: The appalling practice of untouchability seems to only
assume new and less obvious forms after it is exposed and causes
public outrage. The situation in Kadkol village of Basavanabagewadi
taluk in Bijapur district, where 80 Dalit families were imposed social
and economic boycott by caste Hindus on July 25, 2006 for daring to
draw water from a tank till then reserved for caste Hindus, is a case
in point.

According to Chalavadi Ramanna of Karnataka Mula Asprushyara Manava
Hakkugala Rakshana Vedike, the tank which is at the centre of the
controversy, is now not barred to Dalits. However, in a strange
reversal, it is shunned by caste Hindus who allegedly spare no
opportunity to pollute it. They routinely leave their cattle to splash
around in the tank, which is a source of drinking water, he alleges.

What is even more shocking is that one year and two months after the
incident was reported, the authorities are yet to book anyone for
practising untouchability and imposing boycott. "The police say it has
to be handled by the Civil Rights Enforcement Cell. The cell says that
it does not have adequate staff to conduct an inquiry and the police
should do it," says Mr. Ramanna. "As a result, those responsible for
the act, including a member of the taluk panchayat and president of
Gram Panchayat, are walking free," he said.

In the meanwhile, the practice of untouchability, banned by the
Constitution, continues in various forms. A local barber will not give
a Dalit a haircut. "This is not typical of Kadkol. This is the most
normal thing in many villages in north Karnataka," says Mr. Ramanna.

The demands put forward by Karnataka Mula Asprushyara Manava Hakkugala
Rakshana Vedike for rehabilitation of the 80-odd families which faced
boycott are yet to be fulfilled, barring the demand for housing.
Seventy-three people have been identified for giving housing sites.
Local political and caste Hindu interests, Mr. Ramanna alleges,
diverted the loans sanctioned meant for victims to those who did not
face social boycott. The other demands, including sanction of lands
and creating job opportunities, are not even under consideration at
the moment.

The vedike submitted a memorandum with nine demands to the Deputy
Commissioner on October 10, 2006.

"The Government has an obligation to rehabilitate people who face
social boycott under sections of the Protection of Civil Rights Act,
which was enacted in 1955. The sad part is even the victims of
atrocities are often not aware of this," says Mr. Ramanna.

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