Khairlanji: the trial still drags on, a year later

Meena Menon

Bhandara (Maharashtra): A year after the Khairlanji massacre in which
four members of his family were brutally killed, Bhaiyyalal Bhotmange
is in the centre of a different storm. On September 29, 2006,
Bhotmange's wife Surekha, his daughter Priyanka and sons Roshan and
Sudhir were stripped and bludgeoned to death in Khairlanji village in
Bhandara district by a mob which dumped their bodies into the Pench

The killing of the Dalits sparked off violent protests all over the
State prompting the government to order a CBI inquiry. An ad hoc
sessions court in Bhandara is conducting the trial since May and 12 of
the 68 witnesses have already been examined. However, the case is not
proceeding on a day-to-day basis as no special court has been

Bhaiyyalal, the surviving member of the family, is a changed man
today. After initially refusing to take up the job the government
offered, he now works as a peon in the Babasaheb Ambedkar boys' hostel
in Bhandara with a salary of Rs. 5,300 a month. He has disowned his
relatives with whom he used to stay in Varthi near Bhandara and has
taken up residence since January with Dilip Uke of the Nationalist
Congress Party (NCP), a local panchayat member.


This led to much acrimony between him and his relatives and his former
neighbours from Dusala village apart from activists who had supported
him after the incident occurred. Activists like Milind Phuljale say
that the NCP is keeping Bhaiyyalal under its wing so that he does not
expose the real people behind this massacre.

Mr. Uke on the other hand says that Bhaiyyalal's relatives are
grabbing his money and he does not trust them anymore. "I have
suffered a lot for letting Bhaiyyalal stay with me. People are saying
I am a government agent. I am only helping the poor man," he said.
This unseemly tug of war with Bhaiyyalal in the centre has been going
on ever since the massacre happened.

Bhaiyyal, who demanded a house from the government, has just refused it.

According to official sources, he was allotted a house from the Chief
Minister's quota. The Social Welfare Department had set aside Rs.1.10
lakh for a house for Bhaiyyalal. He had written to the government
saying he wanted a house in Bhandara since he was working there and
was willing to put in the remaining amount. According to the
government, he had to pay Rs.1.13 lakh more which would be collected
in monthly instalments of Rs.1,300. However, when the Collector called
a meeting to hand over the house to him earlier this week, Bhaiyyalal
refused to pay the remaining amount and said that he must get the
house free of cost. The Collector had now made a fresh proposal to the
government with this demand.

At the boys' hostel in Bhandara, Bhaiyyalal's name is on the black
board listing the names of employees. He was first appointed as a
chowkidar but after protests, he was re-designated a peon. He has a
personal security guard. Asked why he took up the job, Bhaiyyalal
said, "I did not want to sit idle. I cannot live in Khairlanji and I
needed to do something," he said. He has given his land at Khairlanji
on contract for Rs. 12,000 a year.

The government did not set up a special court for the trial. The trial
is proceeding very slowly, he said. Some of the real accused have not
yet been caught and all those arrested should not have been
discharged, he alleged.

He also launched a personal attack on his nephew Rashtrapal Narnavre,
with whom he used to stay in Varthi before he moved to Mr. Uke's
house. He now accuses Mr. Rashtrapal of withdrawing money from his
bank account and using it for his personal gain.

"They are after my money. I have nothing to do with these people," he
said. Apart from disowning Mr. Rashtrapal and his family, he is nasty
about Rajendra, an eyewitness to the incident, and his brother
Siddharth Gajbhiye who were once friends of the family.

Surekha Bhotmange and her daughter Priyanka were witness to an assault
on Siddharth by villagers from Khairlanji who resented his frequent
visits. They also gave the names of the attackers to the police who
arrested them.

It was on September 29 morning that these arrested villagers were
released on bail.

They decided to take revenge on Siddharth and his brother Rajendra and
went looking for them. They came to Khairlanji when their fury was
directed towards the Bhotmange family. Now Bhaiyyalal blames them for
the entire incident. "If it was not for them, my family would be
alive," he said.

However, it was at Siddharth's house at Dusala that Bhaiyyalal hid
that night when he ran away fearing for his life. It was the Gajbhiye
brothers who called the police too. Rajendra is not on the list of
witnesses the CBI has submitted to the court.

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