Dalit NGO Federation on the caste discrimination incidents in the
Farwestern region

Kathmandu, 24 September 2007. Dalit NGO Federation has submitted a
memorandum to different ministries and parliament head on the caste
discrimination incidents that occured in the Farwestern region. Dalit
NGO Federation has seriously drawn attention on the two incidents of
caste discrimination in which two ladies in different districts of
Far-western regional namely Baitadi and Doti are severely beaten by
local non datis.

In the incident of Baitadi that occurred on 27 Bhadra 2064, the 18
years old Dalit girl named Manisha Nepali was severely beaten while
she was bathing in the public tap by local non dalits. The reason was
only that she belonged to Dalit. Surprisingly, it has come in the
national daily news papers that there was direct involvement of
Parliament member of Nepali Congress (Democratic) Mr. Narendra Bam in
this incident. It is also mentioned that this incident was happened
under his leadership. However, it is yet to be proved. The fact
finding team from DNF and HRTMCC has headed toward Doti to find out
the real facts.

In the another incident, the 13 years Dalit lady was also severely
beaten by two local non Dalit women in Doti that occurred on 26 Bhadra
2064. The lady was beaten while she was dancing in the dancing party
of her neighbor house at their invitation to celebrate Teej festival.
In the Nepalese culture, there is custom to organize regular dance
parties during the Teej festival. It has come in the national daily
news papers that there was involvement of mother of Sopan Bohora in
this incident who is the district president of Nepal Student Union
affiliated to Nepali Congress.

Two Dalit women who were also invited on the occasion severely beat
the Dalit girl blaming the place was unclean because of her presence
as she belonged to Dalit.

Today (24 September 2007), after consulting with its member
organizations, Journalists, Human Rights activists, Intellectuals and
Dalit Students, DNF has jointly submitted the memorandum to different
ministries drawing the attention take action against culprits provide
justice, medical care and compensation to the victims immediately. The
ministries include Home Ministry, Peace and Reconstruction Ministry
and Agriculture Ministry respectively. The delegation team also drawn
the attention separately about the incidents in fornt of honorable
parliament head Mr. Subash Nembang to raise these incidents in the
parliament session in front of all the parliament members to create
exert pressure for taking necessary action to the real culprits.

All the Ministries have assured the delegation team that the incidents
will be investigated by the government soon for taking the action
against culprits and provide justice and compensation to the victim
from their own. The delegation team was under the leadership

Mr. Krishna Bishwokarma from DNF Mid-central Regional chapter, other
members in the team were Dhana Maya Bishwokarma DNF,Mr.Tirtha
Bishwokarma, DNF, Suman Poudel, DNF/SAMATA Nepal, Sushil B.K,
journalist Kumal Nepali, FEDO, Tulsa Gautam, DHRO, Hari Prasad
Rasaily, CUDC and Arjun Bagale, DNF/DDL Nepal respectively. Please
find the attached memorandum for your information and necessary
action. DNF has also drawn the attention of National Human Rights
Commission, National Dalit Commission, National Women Commission and
OHCHR for taking necessary action from their own.

Report by:
Suman Poudel
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu

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