Hindus View Conversion as Anathema

September 29, 2007; Page A7
Conversion has always been anathema to all Hindus, and not to Hindu
nationalists alone, for it violates a basic ethic of Hinduism ("In
India, 'Untouchables' Convert to Christianity," page one, Sept. 19).
Mahatma Gandhi said conversion was "the deadliest poison that ever
sapped the fountain of truth." He declared that "if I had the power
and could legislate, I should stop all proselytizing."

Conversions in India are rarely the product of enlightened
disillusionment. Christian evangelists have dutifully exploited
India's ubiquitous poverty for a long time by using fiscal incentives
as bait. Dalits have often embraced other faiths as an act of
vindication, again at the instigation of manipulative missionaries.

It seems paradoxical that religions that lured people into their fold
with the promise of erasing caste strictures should now invoke those
very same traditional restrictions to demand privileges for their
flock. Rather than persist with caste-centered affirmative action,
which keeps individuals trapped within social barriers to garner
advantage, India needs a global plan that is strictly need based and
blind to caste or religion.

Vivek Gumaste
Cresskill, N.J.

While it is true that some upper-caste Hindus will continue to
discriminate against Dalit converts, the same converts will likely
face discrimination from members of their new community. Contrary to
popular belief, a caste system exists among Muslims in South Asia.
Muslims with foreign Arab ancestors are considered superior to Muslims
whose ancestors converted from Hinduism, who in turn, are considered
superior to Dalit Muslims. Caste divisions also exist among Christians
in India. All Indians need to work together to improve the lives of
their Dalit brethren.

Valay Desai
Parsippany, N.J.

What Dalits and the poor in India require is education to empower
them. This is where the government has failed them.

M.D. Kini
Bridgewater, N.J.

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