Saharanpur resident gets Kabir Puraskar for saving lives of Dalits
Calcutta News.Net
Tuesday 2nd October, 2007 (ANI)

New Delhi, Oct 2 : The Centre today announced to confer the Kabir
Puraskar, for the year 2007, on Saharanpur resident Khalifa Gufran for
playing pivotal role in stopping many incidents of communal riots in
his locality.

He will be awarded with a cash prize of Rupees 50,000.

Resident of Gali Halwaiyan, in Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh), Gufran
helped in saving the lives of two Dalit youths in 2006 after Muslims
and Dalits scuffled over a petty matter that soon took the shape of
communal violence.

"The timely arrival on the scene by Khalifa Gufran with the district
authorities stemmed further escalation of violence and saved both the
youths from the clutches of the mob," a release issued by the Ministry
of Home Affairs that announces the award said.

In March 2007 persons of Hindu and Muslim communities collected at
Mohalla Jatavnagar and started pelting stones on each other. Here also
Gufran helped the district authorities in restoring peace and

Kabir Puraskar is a National Award instituted by the Indian Government
for recognizing the acts of physical or moral courage displayed by a
member of one caste, community or ethnic group in saving the lives and
properties of member(s) of another caste, community or ethnic group
during caste, community or ethnic violence.

The Award is given annually in three grades viz., Grade-I, Grade-II
and Grade-III, carrying cash amount of Rs. 2,00,000; Rs.1,00,000 and
Rs. 50,000 respectively.

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