---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Source <sou...@tehelka.com>
Date: 30 June 2010 12:21
Subject: Re: Hi
To: CHITTIBABU PADAVALA <afchittib...@gmail.com>

Dear Mr Padavala,

Thank you for the mail. Yes, I do understand the pressing need to ensure
equal representation and participation of Dalits in mainstream media and
totally support your idea.
However, since Tehelka does mainly non-commercial journalism, it's very
tough for us to offer any scholarships as of now but I do really want to
help make the media a more accessible profession for Dalits. So I have
already initiated the process of looking for sponsors and as soon as I have
something lined up, I will inform you.
In the meanwhile, in case there is any development on your side, please do
let me know.

warm regds

----- Original Message ----- From: "CHITTIBABU PADAVALA" <

To: "Source" <sou...@tehelka.com>
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: Hi

 Dear Ms. Gunjan Batra,
> Let me first thank you for your kind and positive response. A couple
> of days ago Tehelka reporter Ms. Sanjana called me up and told me that
> Tehelka School of Journalism decided to reserve five seats for dalits
> but I was to get the funding for the students. While I assure you that
> I shall do everything in my capacity to contribute to your efforts, I
> am baffled by this idea. What is the point of reserving 5 seats for
> Dalits if they have to pay fees?
> Probably a look at ACJ's Dalit scholarship scheme is useful. I think
> ACJ's model is good enough to emulate, and if you want to, can even be
> bettered.
> On top of waiving the fees and providing free meals and accommodation,
> ACJ also offers Rs. 4,000 nominal stipend per month per each Dalit
> student. Now that an organisation came forward to top the stipend up
> with 4,000 more, Dalit students will get 8,000 per month.
> From this year on, we are ( a group of Dalit and non-Dalit journalist,
> activists and students campaigning for (larger) presence of Dalits in
> mainstream English journalism) also planning to conduct a 3 month
> intensive English coaching for Dalit applicants for ACJ before
> entrance test/interview. Many distinguished journalism trainers came
> forward to become part of this program. ACJ is providing meals and
> accommodation for the students during this period and an NGO
> notionally agreed to bear the travel expenses for the students.
> I am narrating the whole thing in detail just to give you an idea of
> one of the important components of our campaign. I am particularly
> encouraged by your assurance that you would consider any suitable
> candidate we refer to you. Is it possible for you to write an
> endorsement such as the one written by  Sashikumar or N. Ram in
> whichever way you think could serve the purpose of inviting potential
> dalit candidates to enter journalism and also to create
> non-discriminatory atmosphere among the media houses?
> Here, a highly discouraging fact is that despite an intensive campaign
> involving many journalists, Dalit organizations, email groups,
> students unions and progressive individuals through presentations and
> counseling sessions across the country and individualized
> "brainwashing", we managed to get only 107 applications for ACJ
> entrance test and sadly not many of them could attend the exam and
> only a handful of them cleared it and not more than five got seats.
> Mr. Sashikumar told me about a joke among the teachers that even most
> of them would fail if they were to take the GK component of the ACJ
> entrance test. And, the Dean is planning to soften the criteria to
> make test less exclusivist.
> This unfortunate state of affairs - unwillingness among young Dalit
> people to become journalists and unwillingness of the media houses to
> recruit Dalits - is not likely to change immediately but we are
> positive about change if many more hands join the effort. Your
> contribution to this will really, really make a difference.
> Luckily, Tehelka Journalism College's dates could actually help many
> unsuccessful candidates for ACJ to make use of the intervening time to
> prepare more seriously and get into the course. We are in touch with a
> majority of the 107 Dalit students applied for ACJ this year. We can
> reach out to them and encourage them to apply for Tehelka School of
> Journalism.
> An invitation and assurance from you in your name would really help
> these young people. Mr. Tejpaul himself could consider writing one if
> he thinks it is an important issue. Meanwhile, if you authorize me to
> do so, I shall find out from my contacts among the NGOs - among whom
> an organization which offered monthly stipends and laptops for Dalit
> students to study at ACJ- if they could extend the same to Tehelka
> Journalism College.
> I have not discussed it with anybody involved in the campaign yet but
> you can even think of making at least the certificate program in
> writing open to Dalit students for free. It is easy for us then to get
> some sponsors for providing accommodation and monthly expenses for
> costly stay in and travel within Delhi. My experience is- I am an
> activist for the last one and half decades besides being a journalist-
> it is not realistic to expect many Dalit students to pay fees to study
> journalism.
> I assure you that even if you announce this course to be free for
> Dalits, your college is not going to be inundated by too many
> applications. I request you to kindly scrap the application fee for
> Dalit students, to begin with. It is unusually high. Not a single
> institute in the country charges so much for an application from
> Dalits for any course. As you know, this year ACJ scrapped application
> fee for Dalits altogether.
> One might wonder why then the private colleges should go out of their
> way to help Dalits study journalism courses and enter the profession
> if there is not much enthusiasm or ability among them. This is so
> partly due to the limit on the Dalits forced upon by others in which
> most of the time we end up demanding or hoping for fair representation
> by others than to think of ourselves representing the world.  On top
> of that, the Dalits who already managed to enter the mainstream
> journalism are not treated well and there
> are organizations in the fields without ever letting a single Dalit
> journalist work for them. Some of them do write good stuff about
> Dalits as long as non-dalits do it.
> Many of us think that presence of dalits in the process of news
> gathering, framing, presenting brings with it new ways of looking at
> things, enriching not only the products but also the process of
> news-making. I don't know if Tehelka ever recruited any Dalit as a
> journalist to work for them. Probably, you might not have found
> anybody good enough to work with you. If it is the failure of Dalits
> rather than your own unwillingness to be inclusive, one useful way of
> correcting it is to at least make your journalism course accessible to
> Dalits.
> You can actually train some Dalit journalists in your vision of
> journalism and the skills your magazine needs. I am very happy to know
> that your journalism training is not for any profit-making. But, that
> admirable fact should not be allowed to hamper any
> affirmative action to provide a cost-free journalism education for
> Dalits. I hope you agree with me that Media needs Dalits as much as
> Dalits need media, not just as its consumers but also as contributors.
> Tehelka takes pride in being different and in some important ways
> innovative and daring in its approach to news. The Tehelka School of
> Journalism could  be a story of immediate success with its ability to
> draw on the experience and excellence of doing journalism. I am
> hopeful that any bold gesture of announcing the courses at Tehelka
> School of Journalism free for Dalits would prove to be successful in
> attracting, training and employing a decent number of Dalits.
> Specifically,
> 1) Scrapping the application fee
> 2) Announcing all 3 courses free for Dalit students
> 3) Issuing a public appeal to funding organizations for helping you in
> providing hostel and other expenses for the students you select for
> the training
> 4) Including the Dalit concerns as a major component of your syllabus,
> lectures, field work and assignments and highlighting it in the next
> round of notifications( I am sure you must have already thought about
> some of the above suggestions and necessary ground work has been done)
> As of now, further consultations with my comrades in the campaign
> pending, I offer:
> 1) Lobbying with the media organizations for recruiting from Tehelka
> School of Journalism
> 2) Lobbying with the NGOs, individuals to contribute and set up
> scholarships for Dalit students
> 3. Persuading funding organisations and other sources for other help
> in the form of equipment, books and other help
> 4) Providing publicity for the program among our contacts through our
> Networks
> And, of course, any other specific form of help within our capacity.
> Please notice that there is nothing on your website about how you
> select the candidates. Is there an entrance test? Is it based on
> interviews alone or in combination with grades or any other criterion?
> If there is a test, do you have examination centres all over the
> country? If not specific model papers, at least could you provide a
> broad outline of the test?
> The above is a bit too broad and refers to programmatic concerns. As
> to my specific contribution to recommending candidates for the course,
> I assure you to spread the word among the members of the campaign for
> Dalits in journalism and also spread the word among my contacts. The
> financial support I referred to in our conversation was clearly about
> helping Dalit candidates study at Tehelka School of Journalism in the
> form of sponsoring laptops, stipend, books, coaching. If you are
> unwilling or unable to offer free education to Dalits it is difficult
> to persuade funding organizations to chip in. Yet, let me find out if
> there are anybody who would come forward to do so.
> Thankfully,
> Chittibabu Padavala
> 0-9818321055
> On 28/06/2010, Source <sou...@tehelka.com> wrote:
>> Hi Chittibabu,
>> The admission process at Source The Tehelka School of Journalism has
>> already
>> begun.
>> When we last spoke you mentioned that you would find some sponsors who
>> would
>> financially support the deserving Dalit candidates and I was wondering
>> whether you have shortlisted the deserving students and their sponsors.
>> In case you have, please do submit their forms.
>> Thanking you
>> warm regds
>> Gunjan
>> M: +91 9717707740

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