Dalit cooks in UP schools, upper castes protest
Posted on Jul 15, 2010 at 10:39 | Updated Jul 15, 2010 at 13:27

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New Delhi: A well-meaning project by the Mayawati government has
resulted in an uproar. Mid-day meals, cooked by Dalit cooks, have
resulted in parents from upper castes taking their children out of the

Parents of the students belonging to the upper castes in Kannauj
district of Uttar Pradesh have withdrawn their wards from the
government schools than allowing them to have meals prepared by Dalit

"Upper caste parents are pulling their children out of school saying
that they don't want them to eat food cooked by Dalits," says school
teacher Virpal Singh.

However, appointing Dalit cooks for mid-day meal is an ambitious
project of Mayawati's government to tackle the caste discrimination
head on.

In schools where there are upto 25 students only one Dalit woman will
be appointed but in schools where there are upto 100 students one
Dalit and a non Dalit cook will be appointed. If the number of
students increases, cooks from backward classes will also be

This new rule has been implemented in schools from July and the
government has asked for strict measures to ensure that it is a

"If anybody opposes this rule then FIRs will be lodged and they will
be put behind bars," warns Jaykaran Lal Verma, a BSP leader from

But now it looks Mayawati's pet project is being defeated with strong
opposition from the upper castes in Kannauj to Kanpur, Allahabad and

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