FIRs against minister for anti-dalit remarks

TNN, Aug 25, 2010, 03.29am IST

KENDRAPARA: Agriculture minister Damodar Rout will be interrogated for
the anti-dalit remarks he allegedly made last week.

"We will soon interrogate the minister after two dalit leaders filed
FIRs against him with Kujang (Jagatsinghpur) police. After examining
the contents of the FIRs, police filed case against the minister on
Monday under Section-3 of SC and ST (Atrocity Prevention) Act, 1989.
Police are also examining the videotape of the statement made by the
minister at a public meeting," sub-divisional police officer (SDPO) of
Paradip Santun Das said.

Last Wednesday, Rout had allegedly levelled Jagatsinghpur MP and CPI
leader Bibhu Prasad Tarei, Jagatsinghpur MLA and former minister
Bishnu Das and additional district magistrate Upendra Mallick as
"Harijans", who hatched a conspiracy against him.

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