Seer to campaign against untouchability

TNN, Sep 5, 2010, 11.02pm IST

 MYSORE: Vishweshwarateertha Swamiji of Pejawar mutt on Sunday said he
will continue his crusade against untouchability and is planning to
convert his visits dalit colonies in the state into a movement. At a
press meet here, he said he will involve even the seers of others
mutts in the state who are inclined to join him. "I will start staying
in villages and this will begin from coastal districts," he added.

The swamiji said he will build a free hostel at Mysore for poor
students of all communities and castes and preference will be given to
dalit and OBC students during admissions.

The seer said he will visit Naxal-affected areas of Orissa and
Chhattisgarh next month and meet both victims of Naxal attacks and the
Naxalites. "I will try to assuage the feelings of the victims'
families and appeal to the Naxals to join the mainstream," he said.

When asked about keeping the dalits and OBCs from mass-feedings done
at Brahmin mutts in the state, the seer said: "Not only Brahmins even
the other vegetarians will not like to eat meals with non-vegetarians.
We cannot compel the people to sit together and have a meal," he
added. But this does not mean that there are no mass feedings
involving all castes and communities at Brahmin mutts, he added.

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