i’m always amazed how little i know of my parents.i  keep discovering a new facet each day... parents remain as much an enigma to children as children remain to the parents in spite of the closeness we all assume to have. this basic human relationship stretches into other relationships and each remains an enigma to the other not withstanding the length of the relationships. the simple title of this poem is quite deceptive as the intricacies involved are pretty complex.  
the taken-for-granted duo
looked so perfect
that I feared them
i even grudged them
as secretive as
a teenager be
as cranky as an adolescent be
several times guilty of transgression
for then they always looked my potential rivals
in sickness at birthdays
i demanded of them
all the while
i laughed with them
i joked with them
assumed there can be
no sorrow in their lives
impervious of the impish mind
they went on providing
no matter what came their way
they went on struggling
with us…
with each other?            
i understand
every birth day of my child           
is mine too as a mother
each of my responses
take me back to those days…
i now love them
more than i ever did
for i now know
parents are human too…
#isn’t parenting the toughest of all professions?                           

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