Hi all,

Before, we could run the test suite of a component as such:
UnitTest/src/runtests.php Database

But the new test runner does not allow this. For example, phpunit --filter
Database will fail in two ways:

0) test cases without Database in the class name will be omited
(ie. ezcQueryExpressionTest from
1) test cases with Database in the class name from other components will be
included (ezcDatabaseSchemaGenericTest from


0) Flyingmana suggested to use regexps in --filter, document the regexp to
use for each component
1) annotate every test method with @group ComponentName

I'm not sure about these solutions because correct me if I'm wrong but that
looks error prone.

So, should we start implementing any of these solutions ?

Cheers from Lisboa at eZ Winter Conference

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