Because I'm not sure I can make the meeting this week, I wanted to 
recapitulate some of what I've suggested before that didn't make it into 
the last minutes. I would like to see a role for artists in the process of 
information gathering that might be analogous to the Island Institute's map 
or the digital library but in visual, layered form. The concept goes 
further than simply locating information or depicting it because my 
interest is in seeing the cumulative impacts of degradation or 
alternatively, restoration. Paul Schroeder called this work "visionary 
mapping". At the Wood's Hole meeting I displayed a large poster developed 
with geomorphologist Irwin Novak, based on work with Michele Dionne from 
Wells NERR to demonstrate how this might begin to look. This is not an 
illustration project but it might illustrate the application of GOMINFOEX. 
I did send an attach file of a recent installation at USM that went further 
than the poster but I gather not all could open it. If I come to the 
meeting, I'll bring prints from that. I'm now working on a more ambitious 
mapping installation for the Center for Maine Contemporary Art, in which I 
will be working to incorporate and interpret as much of the research data 
on the GOM and it's relationship to other geomorphic features as possible. 
It was suggested at Wood's Hole that various small institutions or small 
grants might be worth investigating. It is my experience that each 
installation I do is quite costly and I can't present without financial 
support which these small institutions don't have. The small grants that 
might be available are already earmarked for small parts of the work that 
goes into something this large. I am going to look into a larger grant but 
had hoped to partner in some way with GOMINFOEX as a source of data or even 
collaboration. There is a chance of interest, based on recent trips to New 
York, from both the Rockefellar and the Ford Foundation. I would welcome 
any thoughts from the group that might help make this possible.

At 08:13 AM 11/27/01 -0400, Boudreau, Paul R wrote:
>Hello all,
>The draft agenda for the December 6-7th GOMINFOEX meeting in Eastport,
>Maine, has been posted to the web at:
>The particular focus of this meeting will be community group and high school
>interests, needs and contributions.
>Contact details for accommodations in the region can be found at the bottom
>of the agenda
>Hope to see you there,
>Paul Boudreau
>Marine Environmental Sciences Division
>Department of Fisheries and Oceans
>Bedford Institute of Oceanography
>P.O. Box 1006
>Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
>B2Y 4A2, Canada
>Phone: (902) 426-7464
>Fax: (902) 426-6695
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