Dear Friends, Colleagues, Relatives, Fleeting Acquaintances...(and others whose names I have pilfered from various e mail lists)
This is a request  for your show of support and membership in the Downeast Salmon Federation, 501 ( c ) 3, of Columbia Falls.  
Most of you know something about our programs and I hope you agree that we provide a number of very important and unique services to the community and environment in easternmost Maine.
We are now developing a "membership base" to diversify our fundraising efforts and to raise dollars to match grant money we are qualified to receive.  (For every dollar we raise in memberships or donations we receive a dollar from several grant sources) 
The group receiving this e mail is a "select group" that I know share a great love for the outdoors and especially for the unspoiled downeast rivers.  Our organization works to protect what you value - open spaces, clean water, public access, fishing opportunities, healthy communities, natural habitats and better management of our freshwater resources. 
Yes, it's true, we are "another salmon group" but we are much more than that too.  Our philosophy is not single species focused - we approach our work with an ecosystem perspective at the grassroots and community level.  We are working in a number of creative ways to protect water quality, traditional access, increase watershed education and awareness and build local support.
Our programs consist of the Downeast Rivers Land Trust (Est. 2001), the Wild Salmon Resource Center and Pleasant River Hatchery in Columbia Falls (Est 1992) and a new Water Quality and Aquatics Research Center which we are beginning to develop at the former hydro electric facility in East Machias.
Most of you have known something of my roles with these efforts over the past twelve years.  I have been a volunteer, a volunteer coordinator, grantwriter, fundraiser, educator and now serve as the first Executive Director of the Downeast Salmon Federation.  Our successes have been many - ranging from a recent Presidential award (presented in D.C. by George W. himself) for coordinating the removal of the East Machias Dam to local awards and much press recognition including recent articles and coverage including Smithsonian magazine and new book by environmental writer Elizabeth Grossman called: Watershed , The Undamming of America, also Field & Stream magazine and many local newspapers.
Recently we were awarded a very competitive National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) grant to continue the employment of Jacob van de Sande, our fulltime outreach educator.  For every dollar we raise through memberships, donations, grants or hat and T shirt sales we will receive a dollar of NFWF money to support the watershed / endangered salmon education program. 
The Center in Columbia Falls is now celebrating it's tenth year since groundbreaking in 1992.  We have squeaked by over the years thanks to all types of donations from individuals and organizations of all means.  At this point we need to build individual and/or business memberships if we are to continue to sustain the unique and good work we do: 
  • we are one of the few environmental education organizations in Washington County,
  • we are the only landtrust dedicated to inland western Washington County and
  • we are one of the few local groups that  coordinate environmental and water quality monitoring and provide support to the new watershed councils.
So here is the challenge from a personal point of view:  My wife (Bahia Yackzan) and I have joined as family members ($25) and made another $25 contribution toward the Downeast Rivers Land Trust's Stewardship Fund.  Jacob and his wife Maggie van de Sande have done the same.  Several of our Board members have made similar and larger donations as have other new members.  Please do what you can.  We will accept contributions in any form.  In fact, we just sold a 1992 3/4 ton pickup that was donated as a fundraiser.
Your membership and support goes well beyond just helping us to maintain our lean "bottomline".  Numbers are important, and by standing together we can influence decisions and attract additional and larger grants.  We hope to begin a much more active and formal environmental information network.  We can help provide you with information - not just info on how much pesticide is in our rivers or how bad the acid rain is or how few salmon have returned this year, but positive stuff like how many river miles have been protected and how many trees we planted along buffer areas with local school children. 
So, I've rambled on enough and I hope you may be inspired to become a member or contact us for more info.
Thanks to this great online technology we've made it easy for you to donate, become a member or buy a T shirt or hat.  Thanks to a free service provided to non - profits, you can choose to use a credit card by using this link:
or you can print out the form below and mail it with a check.    
Just one last request before I close: Please consider forwarding this e mail around to your own list.  The downeast rivers belong to us all and we need wide - spread support if we are going to protect them for future generations.

Name: ____________________________________________________



Phone: ________________________ E-mail: _____________________



Address: __________________________________________________



City / State: ________________________ Zip code: _______________


Circle One:  $10 Member/ Individual            $25 Member/ Family

$100 Supporter     $250 Sustainer   $500 Sponsor  $1000 + Partner


Wild Salmon Resource Center merchandise:    T shirts (all sizes)  $12           Hats $12


Make checks payable to: Downeast Salmon Federation and send this form and your kind donation to:

Post Office Box 201, Columbia Falls, Maine 04623

Dwayne Shaw
Wild Salmon Resource Center
PO Box 201
Columbia Falls, ME  04623

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FN:Dwayne Shaw
ORG:Downeast Salmon Federation
TITLE:Executive Director
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