Ben Rockwood wrote:
> I need some help with clarification.
> My understanding is that there are 2 instances in which ZFS will write
> to disk:
> 1) TXG Sync
> 2) ZIL
> Post-snv_87 a TXG should sync out when the TXG is either over filled or
> hits the timeout of 30 seconds.
> First question is... is there some place I can see what this max TXG
> size is?  If I recall its 1/8th of system memory... but there has to be
> a counter somewhere right?
There is both a memory throttle limit (enforced in arc_memory_throttle)
and a write throughput throttle limit (calculated in dsl_pool_sync(),
enforced in dsl_pool_tempreserve_space()).  The write limit is stored as
the 'dp_write_limit' for each pool.

> I'm unclear on ZIL writes.   I think that they happen independently of
> the normal txg rotation, but I'm not sure.
> So the second question is: do they happen with a TXG sync (expitied) or
> independent of the normal TXG sync flow?
> Finally, I'm unclear on exactly what constitutes a TXG Stall.  I had
> assumed that it indicated TXG's that exceeded the alloted time, but
> after some dtracing I'm uncertain.
I'm not certain what you mean by: "TXG Stall".

> Any help is appreciated.
> benr.

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