Hello Pawel,

Thursday, October 11, 2007, 11:27:07 AM, you wrote:

PJD> On Thu, Oct 11, 2007 at 10:47:44AM +0100, Robert Milkowski wrote:
>> Hello Matthew,
>> Thursday, October 11, 2007, 9:10:13 AM, you wrote:
>> MA> Robert Milkowski wrote:
>> >> I haven't looked into details but in theory one should be
>> >> able to copy/move a file within the same datapool between datasets
>> >> without having to actually copy data blocks... or maybe there's some
>> >> detail which actually makes it hard to implement...
>> MA> Once a block is referenced by multiple filesystem, it is nontrivial to
>> MA> determine when it can be freed.
>> In a way multiple snapshots are separate file systems, or clones...
>> What's the difference? However I'm sure you right...

PJD> Snapshot and clones are not autonomous datasets. A clone has always a
PJD> parent, you can use 'zfs promote' to switch the relatioship, but you
PJD> cannot make them independent, AFAIK.

PJD> To Matthew: As I understand it, Robert was talking more about moving the
PJD> blocks to another dataset, not creating a hardlink-like situation - only
PJD> one dataset will reference the blocks after the move.

Yep, with move that's what I had in mind.
I've also was talking about zfscopy...

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:rmilkowski at task.gda.pl

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