
I'm looking into the forensic artefacts of ZFS and came across zpool.cache 
in /etc/zfs/. Can some wise person confirm my information is correct and help 
me with some questions? I've had a look through the code on 
src.opensolaris.org and the On Disk specs (the PDF document ZFS On-Disk 
Specification) but haven't found the answers yet.

Many thanks for your help



* ZFS has a legacy mode where mounts are handled by /etc/vfstab or a default 
mode where pools are automounted by ZFS. If you use /etc/vfstab and switch 
off the automatic mount at boot, the ZFS partitions won't be touched unless 
manually mounted.

* zpool.cache appears to be a record of the creation, maintenance and 
destruction of ZFS pools (spa_config.h). 

* According to spa_config.h and libzfs_config.c, zpool.cache is part of the 
SPA layer, made up of nvlist  objects.

* spa_history.c mentions a history log ring buffer where the creation and 
subsequent actions to an SPA object are recorded.


* Can someone confirm whether the info above is correct?

* How persistent is the information in zpool.cache after zpools have been 

* I'm still looking for a C-struct type definition of the zpool.cache records. 
Can someone point me in the right direction?

* Are there any *other* records left on the host regarding the 
creation/maintenance/destruction of a ZFS file system? 

* Where does the SPA history log land on-disk? Is it the zpool.cache of the 
host, somewhere else on the host or part of vdev label / ZFS file system?

* "ZFS On-Disk Specification" is described as a draft, dated 22 August 2006. 
Is there anything more recent available?

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