Hi Stacy,

The easiest way I've found, but it's probably overkill:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rdsk/cXtXdXp0 bs=4096k count=4096

This gets you all set up to re-fdisk the disk and wipes any  
information at the beginning of the physical fdisk partition.   
Substitute the "X" for your disk device you want to wipe.  My  
parameters are probably a bit big, but it seems to work out nicely for  
me when I want to re-initialize a disk.



Michael Sullivan
michael.p.sullivan at me.com
Japan Mobile: +81-80-3202-2599
US Phone: +1-561-283-2034

On 7 Oct 2009, at 03:20 , Stacy Maydew wrote:

> I have two zpools that have been exported and now have corrupted  
> disks and cause an error when I try to import them using "zpool  
> import -f <pool>".
> Is there a way I can destroy a zpool that is exported and corrupt?
> Or perhaps I can remove the corrupt drives from the zpool to the  
> point where I can import the pool?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Stacy Maydew
> stacy.maydew at sun.com
> -- 
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