Hello Erik,

Friday, May 12, 2006, 10:34:58 PM, you wrote:

ET> So, I'll be using this:

ET> 3 x Sun 3511FC SATA JBODs, each with 12 400GB disks. The setup is a
ET> 11-wide stripe of 3-disk RAIDZ vdevs, with the remain 3 drives as
ET> hot-spares.  They'll attach to x4200 Opterons or V440 Sparcs as the
ET> fileservers (in each case, they have a minimum of 2 Gigabit ethernet
ET> interfaces bonded for network bandwidth). 

Have you actually connected those 3511 JBODs to a server and tried it?
I mean do you see any performance problems? I ask because I have
problems with 3511 as JBODS (FC-AL).

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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