hey All,

On Tue, 2006-05-30 at 16:50 +0200, Constantin Gonzalez Schmitz wrote:
> - The purpose of any Undo-like action is to provide a safety net to the user
>    in case she commits an error that she wants to undo.

So, what if the user was able to specify which applications they wanted
such a safety net for (thus lessening the load on the filesystem,
watching *every* delete) - or were able to specify a few sub-directories
they wanted to take special care with ?

[ eg. "ZFS, please provide me undo capability for files
in /home/timf/Documents/plans-to-takeover-world when I'm using
nautilus" ]

With a tiny bit of DTrace hackery, you could have something like:

------ snapshot-on-delete.d --------
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -qws

   this->file = copyinstr(arg0);
   system ("/usr/sbin/take-undo-snapshot.sh %s",this->file);

Something like:

% ./snapshot-on-delete.d `pgrep nautilus`

Where the shell script "take-undo-snapshot.sh" would take another
snapshot in some known namespace, up to some a pre-defined limit, if
that file was found to be resident on a zfs filesystem (and optionally
in some given directory)

Now, it probably will scale badly if you have hundreds of users, running
hundreds of applications, each one invoking a shell script on each file
delete, and as Neil pointed out, many many snapshots aren't cheap. But
as a proof-of-concept, this would work fine.

It'd be interesting to see how badly people wanted this functionality,
before boiling the ocean (again!) to provide it :-)

Of course, "redo" is a little trickier, as your application would need
to know about the snapshot namespace, but at least your data is safe.


> - So, it depends on how we define "user" here. If by user we mean your regular
>    file system user with a GUI etc., then of course it's a matter of the
>    application.
> - But if user=sysadmin, I guess a more fundamental way of implementing "undo" 
> is
>    in order. We could either restrict the undo functionality to some admin
>    interface and force admins to use just that, then it would still be a 
> feature
>    that the admin interface needs to implement.
>    But in order to save all admins from shooting themselves into their knees, 
> the
>    best way would be to provide an admin-savvy safety net.
> - Now, coming from the other side, ZFS provides a nice and elegant way of
>    implementing snapshots. That's where I count 1+1: If ZFS knew how to do
>    snapshots right before any significant administrator or user action and if
>    ZFS had a way of managing those snapshots so admins and users could easily
>    undo any action (including zfs destroy, zpool destroy, or just rm -rf /*),
>    then the benefit/investment ratio for implementing such a feature should
>    be extremely interesting.
> One more step towards a truly foolproof filesystem.
> But: If it turns out that providing an undo function via snapshots is not
> possible/elegantly feasible/cheap or if there's any significant roadblock that
> prevents ZFS from providing an undo feature in an elegant way, then it might 
> not
> be a good idea after all and we should just forget it.
> So I guess it boils down to: Can the ZFS framework be used to implement an 
> undo
> feature much more elegantly than your classic filemanager while extending the 
> range of undo customers to even the CLI based admin?
> Best regards,
>     Constantin
> Erik Trimble wrote:
> > Once again, I hate to be a harpy on this one, but are we really 
> > convinced that having a "undo" (I'm going to call is RecycleBin from now 
> > on) function for file deletion built into ZFS is a good thing?
> > 
> > Since I've seen nothing to the contrary, I'm assuming that we're doing 
> > this by changing the actual effects of an "unlink(2)" sys lib call 
> > against a file in ZFS, and having some other library call added to take 
> > care of actual deletion.
> > 
> > Even with it being a ZFS option parameter, I can see soooo many places 
> > that it breaks assumptions and causes problems that I can't think it's a 
> > good thing to blindly turn on for everything.
> > 
> > And, I've still not seen a good rebuttal to the idea of moving this up 
> > to the Application level, and using a new library to implements the 
> > functionality (and requires Apps to specifically (and explicitly) 
> > support RecycleBin in the design).
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > You will notice that Windows does this.  The Recycle Bin is usable from 
> > within Windows Explorer, but if you use "del" from a command prompt, it 
> > actually deletes the file.  I see no reason why we shouldn't support the 
> > same functionality (i.e. RecycleBin from within Nautilus (as it already 
> > does), and true deletion via "rm").
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -Erik
> > 
Tim Foster, Sun Microsystems Inc, Operating Platforms Group
Engineering Operations            http://blogs.sun.com/timf

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