Darren Moffat and I were having lunch and bouncing around ideas, and
I came up with the concept of "views" which neither of us are aware of
anyone having previously proposed.

The rough idea is something like a snapshot-with-selection-filters,
perhaps made directly, or perhaps bred from an existing full-fat
snapshot in a analogous way to clones.

Views would be readonly, and presumably static unless there are ways
to make them dynamic without eating CPU.

Since you "observe" a "view", I suppose the syntax would be:

  zfs observe tank/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  zfs set filter="owner=USER,name=REGEX,type=TYPE,..." tank/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

...where the contents of the view includes all objects where:

        owner is USER (eg: alecm, an obvious test)

        name matches REGEX (eg: "\.mp3$")

        TYPE is a string of 1/more from "fdlDCBps..."
        (ie: file, dir, link, device, chardev, blockdev, ...)

...etc, etc, you can guess the extra sorts of tests to make.  Go read
the manpage for "find" for inspiration.

The view would also include any necessary directory structure of any
specification necessary to expose the matching objects; thus if a file
were owned by "alecm" but buried deep in a directory structure owned
by "root", the latter would be exposed irrespective of "owner=alecm"
being specified; I'm not trying to recreate MLDs here, and any
security beyond the above is meant to be implemented by permissions.

Then you could "cd ~/.zfs/view/[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and see all your music
files.  Or large files.  Or files with nlinks>1.   Or whatever.

Whaddya think - too crazy?


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