So if you have a single thread doing open/write/close of 8K
files and get 1.25MB/sec, that tells me you have something
like a 6ms I/O latency. Which look reasonable also.
What does iostat -x svc_t (client side) says ?

400ms seems high for the workload _and_ doesn't match my
formula, so I don't like it ;-)
Quick look at your script looks fine tough; but something
just does not compute here.

Why  this formula (which applies to  any NFS single threaded
client  app working on small  files).  Even if the open  and
write parts are infinitely fast, on close(2), NFS must insure
that  data is  set to disk.  So  at a minimum every close(2)
must wait 1 I/O latency. During  that wait the single thread
client application    will    not  initiate   the  following
open/write/close segment. At  best  you get one file  output
per I/O latency. The I/O latency is the one seen by the
client and includes network part but that should be small
compared to the physical I/O.


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