> Doug Scott wrote:
> >>It is likely that "best practice" will be to
> separate
> >>the  root pool (that is, the pool where dataset are
> >>allocated)
> > 
> > On a system with plenty of disks it is a good idea.
> I started
> > doing this on my laptop, and later decided to
> combine root and
> > data into one pool. The filesystem boundary gave me
> sufficent
> > separation. Having separate pools made me have 2
> partitions
> > with fixed boundries, which limited ZFS's
> flexibility.
> For example, ISTR that pools can be exported, but
> individual filesystems within a 
> pool cannot be exported separately from the pool in
> which they are located.
That is correct, but on my laptop I have little need to export the pool. Since 
diskspace is a limited resource I prefer that I did not have fixed partitions, 
and let all filesystems be able to access the remaining space. I hit the a 
partition boundy the first time I cloned more root zfs filesystem, thus I 
changed to a single pool. I can still use 'zfs send' to copy any of the 
filesystems elsewhere.

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