Darren Reed wrote:
On Solaris,

pkginfo -l SUNWzfsr

would give you a package version for that part of ZFS..
and "modinfo | grep zfs" will tell you something about the kernel module rev.
No such luck. Modinfo doesn't show the ZFS module as loaded; that's probably because I'm not running anything with ZFS on the machine at the moment.

No pkginfo on this system, which I think is part of the point of the distribution -- one package manager to rule them all. Also, dselect / apt-get just has a one-line description that says "ZFS root components". Not real useful, even if you know what ZFS is - is "root components" those components used by the user root? Or is it for putting the root partition on ZFS? I'm assuming the former -- but the statement is quite ambiguous.

But, "zpool upgrade" gives me an idea of what featureset to expect, which was what I'm aiming for at this point.


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