Just wanted to point this out -- 

I have a large web tree that used to have UFS user quotas on it.  I converted 
to ZFS using 
the model that each user has their own ZFS filesystem quota instead.  I worked 
around some 
NFS/automounter issues, and it now seems to be working fine. 

Except now I have to move it to another server.   The problem is that there 
doesn't appear
to be any recursive dump/restore command that lets me do this easily.  'zfs 
send' and 'zfs receive' 
only appear to work within filesystem boundaries.  

What I want to do is move all of zfspool/www from server A to server B. 

Each user filesystem underneath zfspool/www: 


...has a unique quota assigned to it. 

There doesn't appear to be a way to move zfspool/www and its decendants en 
masse to 
a new machine with those quotas intact.  I have to script the recreation of all 
of the 
descendant filesystems by hand. 

I can move the *data* with tar or rsync easily enough, but it seems silly that 
I have to recreate
all the descendant filesystems and their characteristics by hand. 

I know the "comprehensive dump" subject has been brought up before... I'd like 
to reiterate a suggestion that it'd be nice if the various commands (zfs 
send/receive, zfs snapshot) could optionally include a filesystem's 
descendants.  If zfs send could do this and included the filesystem quotas, it 
might solve this issue. 

Or maybe I'm missing something?
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