On Sep 26, 2006, at 12:24 PM, Mike Kupfer wrote:

"Chad" == Chad Leigh <-- Shire.Net LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> writes:

Chad> snoop does not show me the reply packets going back.  What do I
Chad> need to do to go both ways?

It's possible that performance issues are causing snoop to miss the

If your server has multiple network interfaces, it's more likely that
the server is routing the replies back on a different interface. We've
run into that problem many times with the NFS server that has my home
directory on it.  If that is what's going on, you need to fire up
multiple instances of snoop, one per interface.

OK, I will try that. I did run tcpdump on the BSD client as well so the responses should show up there as well as it only has the 1 interface on that net while the Solaris box has 3.



Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at shire.net

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