On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 09:00:47AM -0700, Ron Halstead wrote:
> Please elaborate:  "CIFS just requires the automount hack."

Samba's smb.conf supports a "root preexec" parameter that allows a
program to be run when a share is connected to.  For example, with
a simple script, createhome.sh, like,

if [ ! -e /tank/home/$1 ]; then
        zfs create tank/home/$1

and a [homes] share in smb.conf like,

        comment = User Home Directories
        browseable = no
        writable = yes
        root preexec = createhome.sh '%U'

Samba will automatically create a ZFS filesystem for each user's home
directory the first time the user connects to the server.  You'd likely
want to expand on this to have it properly set the permissions, perform
some additional checks and logging, etc.

This can be elaborated on to do neat things like create a ZFS clone when
a client connects and then destroy the clone when the client
disconnects (via "root postexec").  This could possibly be useful for
the shared build system that was mentioned by an earlier post.

To truely replace every mkdir call you can write a fairly simple
VFS module for Samba that would replace every mkdir call with a call
to "zfs create".  This method is a bit more involved than the above
method since the VFS modules are coded in C, but it's definitely a

Ed Plese
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