Hi Brian,

See the previous posting about this below.

You can read about these features in the ZFS Admin Guide.



Subject: Solaris 10 ZFS Update
From: George Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:51:09 -0400
To: zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org

We have putback a significant number of fixes and features from OpenSolaris into what will become Solaris 10 11/06. For reference here's the list:

PSARC 2006/223 ZFS Hot Spares
6405966 Hot Spare support in ZFS
PSARC 2006/303 ZFS Clone Promotion
6276916 support for "clone swap"
PSARC 2006/388 snapshot -r
6373978 want to take lots of snapshots quickly ('zfs snapshot -r')

Bug Fixes:
4034947 anon_swap_adjust() should call kmem_reap() if availrmem is low.
6288488 du reports misleading size on RAID-Z
6366301 CREATE with owner_group attribute is not set correctly with NFSv4/ZFS
6385436 zfs set  returns an error, but still sets property value
6393490 libzfs should be a real library
6397148 fbufs debug code should be removed from buf_hash_insert()
6401400 zfs(1) usage output is excessively long
6409228 typo in aclutils.h
6409302 passing a non-root vdev via zpool_create() panics system
6415739 assertion failed: !(zio->io_flags & 0x00040)
6416482 filebench oltp workload hangs in zfs
6416759 ::dbufs does not find bonus buffers anymore
6416794 zfs panics in dnode_reallocate during incremental zfs restore
6417978 double parity RAID-Z a.k.a. RAID6
6421216 ufsrestore should use acl_set() for setting ACLs
6424554 full block re-writes need not read data in
6425111 detaching an offline device can result in import confusion
6425740 assertion failed: new_state != old_state
6430121 3-way deadlock involving tc_lock within zfs
6433264 crash when adding spare: nvlist_lookup_string(cnv, "path", &path) == 0
6433406 zfs_open() can leak memory on failure
6433408 namespace_reload() can leak memory on allocation failure
6433679 zpool_refresh_stats() has poor error semantics
6433680 changelist_gather() ignores libuutil errors
6433717 offline devices should not be marked persistently unavailble
6435779 6433679 broke zpool import
6436524 importing a bogus pool config can panic system
6436526 delete_queue thread reporting drained when it may not be true
6436800 ztest failure: spa_vdev_attach() returns EBUSY instead of ENOTSUP
6439102 assertain failed: dmu_buf_refcount(dd->dd_dbuf) == 2 in dsl_dir_destroy_check()
6439370 assertion failures possible in dsl_dataset_destroy_sync()
6440499 zil should avoid txg_wait_synced() and use dmu_sync() to issue parallel IOs when fsyncing
6444346 zfs promote fails in zone
6446569 deferred list is hooked on flintstone vitamins
6447377 ZFS prefetch is inconsistant
6447452 re-creating zfs files can lead to failure to unmount
6448371 'zfs promote' of a volume clone fails with EBUSY
6450292 unmount original file system, 'zfs promote' cause system panic.
6451124 assertion failed: rc->rc_count >= number
6451412 renaming snapshot with 'mv' makes unmounting snapshot impossible


Brian Hechinger wrote:
11/06 is just around the corner! What new ZFS features are going to
make it into that release?

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