On Thu, Oct 05, 2006 at 04:40:09PM -0700, Erik Trimble wrote:
> So, here's a question:  if I delete file X;1, do I delete X;x ?  That
> is, do I delete all versions of a file when I delete the actual file?
> what about deleting a (non-head) version?  And, exactly how many

Under VMS at least, that is entirely up to you, you can delete X;1, X;2 or
X;* if you so desire.

> different files have to be cleaned up when you logout?  How does this
> get configured? Who does the configuring? What if I _want_ versions of
> some files, but not the others?  

That is where it gets tricky.  Under the DEC !UNIX OSes, file versioning was
just a way of life since it was on all the time for everyone, period.  Trying
to apply that to UNIX, where file versionioning previously didn't exist?  Not
so easy. ;)

> And, what about network-sharing?  For non-interactive use?  (i.e. via
> SAMBA, or other apps where you're not looking at the FS via a command
> prompt?)

A way to not allow those access to the versioning system sounds reasonable.

> File versioning is really only useful when we can hide the versioning
> mess from the end-user, and yet provide them with some reasonable
> mechanism for accessing the file versions if need be. And we keep
> versions around, period. I don't see that as being possible using the
> traditional UNIX/POSIX filesystem layout.  Like I said before, maybe
> when the FS becomes a RDBMS, but even then...

The way digital did it is spot on, however, the use of ; is a problem once
you apply UNIX/POSIX filesystem requirements to it.  It may not work.

On the other hand ODS *is* an RDBMS really, so................. ;)

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