
Like what matt said, unless there is a bug in code, zfs should automatically 
figure out the drive mappings. The real problem as I see is using 16 drives in 
single raidz... which means if two drives malfunction, you're out of luck. 
(raidz2 would survive 2 drives... but still I believe 16 drives is too much).

May I suggest you re-check the cabling as drive going bad might be related to 
that... or even changing the power supply (I got burnt that way). It might just 
be an intermittent drive malfunction. You might also surface scan the drives 
and rule out bad sectors.

Good luck :)

PS: When you get your data back, do switch to raidz2 or mirrored config that 
can survive loss of more than 1 disk. My experience (which is not much) shows 
it doesn't take much to render more than one disk out of 20 or so... especially 
when moving them.

- Akhilesh
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