> I'm showing my lack of knowledge on this one but I thought SAM-FS could 
> do something like this. Anyone know for sure?

It's not quite the same, and not out-of-the-box.

SAM-FS has the ability to create an archive copy of files onto disk or tape 
when the files are closed after having been modified. These copies may not be 
made immediately; their timing depends on rules set by the system 
administrator. Hence they are not “instant” versions.

More importantly, there is (currently) no easy way to retrieve an old version. 
When the archiver makes a copy, the location of the copy is logged. It is 
possible to use this log to retrieve an older copy even after the file has been 
overwritten, and there are several third parties who have written software 
which enables this.

Things get trickier when tape recycling comes into play, since the recycler 
does not know about the desire to keep old versions. At sites which require 
recycling, the positions of old versions have to be logged into a new file 
system; or the recycler has to be replaced with a variant which understands 
versioning. Third parties have done both of these in the past, but we (Sun) 
don’t currently ship this.

There are plans to add a more robust versioning feature to SAM-FS but I don’t 
believe there is a definite date or release attached yet.
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