On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 08:01:21PM +0100, Dick Davies wrote:
> I started sharing out zfs filesystems via NFS last week using
> sharenfs=on. That seems to work fine until I reboot. Turned
> out the NFS server wasn't enabled - I had to enable
> nfs/server, nfs/lockmgr and nfs/status manually. This is a stock
> SXCR b49 (ZFS root) install - don't think I'd changed anything much.
> Shouldn't a ZFS share be permanently enabling NFS?

By default, NFS servers are configured with 'auto-start' behavior.  So,
if you look at the services when nothing is shared, you'll see:

        # svcs -l nfs/server
        fmri         svc:/network/nfs/server:default
        name         NFS server
        enabled      false (temporary)
        state        disabled
        next_state   none
        state_time   Wed Oct 11 13:48:08 2006
        logfile      /var/svc/log/network-nfs-server:default.log
        restarter    svc:/system/svc/restarter:default
        dependency   require_any/error svc:/milestone/network (online)
        dependency   require_all/error svc:/network/nfs/nlockmgr (online)
        dependency   optional_all/error svc:/network/nfs/mapid (online)
        dependency   require_all/restart svc:/network/rpc/bind (online)
        dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/rpc/keyserv (disabled)
        dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/rpc/gss (online)
        dependency   require_all/error svc:/system/filesystem/local (online)

However, these services have a special 'auto_enabled' boolean property:

        # svcprop -p application/auto_enable nfs/server

This property indicates that regardless of the current state of
nfs/server, if you invoke share(1M) (either manually or through 'zfs
share -a'), then the server will be automatically started.

By default, the system should have been in this state, with nfs/server
enabled but temporarily disabled.  Did you explicity 'svcadm disable
nfs/server' beforehand?  It may be that the start method (which contains
the 'zfs share -a' invocation) will not run, and the auto-enable
behavior will not be triggered.  However, an explicit invocation of
share(1M) will always trigger the server to be started, unles you turn
off the 'auto_enabled' property.

ZFS certainly could do the equivalent of a 'svcadm enable nfs/server',
but it shouldn't need to, nor is it clear that ZFS should do anything
different than if you had placed something into /etc/dfs/dfstab.  I'd
like to understand how exactly this happened, though.  This may also
overlap with a (soon to be completed) rewrite of how shares are managed
and tracked in Solaris.

- Eric

Eric Schrock, Solaris Kernel Development       http://blogs.sun.com/eschrock
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