
We did hit similar issue yesterday on build 50 and build 45 although the node did not hang. In one of the cases we saw that the hot spare was not of the same size... can you check
if this true ?

Do you have a threadlist from the node when it was hung ? That would reveal some info.

Thanks and regards,

Jim Hranicky wrote:

OS: Nevada build 51 x86

I recently upgraded Sol10x86 6/6 to Nevada build 51. I'm testing out zfs
on a machine and set up a pool with a mirror of two drives and two hot
spares. I then spun down a drive in the mirror which caused the machine to hang, so I rebooted the host. After a reboot, the mirror came up in degraded mode but neither of the spares were automatically used.
Is there something I need to tweak to get this to work?

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