eric kustarz wrote:
What about adding a whole new RAID-Z vdev and dynamicly stripe across the RAID-Zs? Your capacity and performance will go up with each RAID-Z vdev you add.
Thanks, that's an interesting suggestion.
Have you tried using the automounter as suggested by the linux faq?:
Yes. On our undergrad timesharing system (~1300 logins) we actually hit that limit with a standard automounting scheme. So now we make static mounts of the Netapp /home space and then use amd to make symlinks to the home directories. Ugly, but it works.
Also, ask for reasoning/schedule on when they are going to fix this on the linux NFS alias (i believe its [EMAIL PROTECTED] ). Trond should be able to help you.
It's item 9 (last) on their "medium priority" list, according to That doesn't sound like a fix is coming soon.
If going to OpenSolaris clients is not an option, then i would be curious to know why.
Ah, well... it was a Solaris system for many years. And we were mostly a Solaris shop for many years. Then Sun hardware got too pricey, and fast Intel systems got cheap but at the time Solaris support for them lagged and Linux matured and... and now Linux is entrenched. It's a story other departments here could tell. And at other universities too I'll bet. So the reality is we have to make whatever we run on our servers play well with Linux clients.
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