I, too, experienced a long delay while importing a zpool on a second machine. I 
do not have any filesystems in the pool. Just the Solaris 10 Operating system, 
Emulex 10002DC HBA, and a 4884 LSI array (dual attached). 

I don't have any file systems created but when STMS(mpxio) is enabled I see 

# time zpool import testpool
real 6m41.01s
user 0m.30s
sys 0m0.14s

When I disable STMS(mpxio), the times are much better but still not that great? 

# time zpool import testpool
real 1m15.01s
user 0m.15s
sys 0m0.35s

Are these normal symproms??

Can anyone explain why I too see delays even though I don't have any file 
systems in the zpool?
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