On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 03:09:03PM -0500, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 19, 2006 01:54:56 PM +0000 Darren J Moffat 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >While I think having this in the VOP/FOP layer is interesting it isn't
> >the problem I was trying to solve and to be completely honest I'm really
> >not interested in solving this outside of ZFS - why make it easy for
> >people to stay on UFS ;-)
> Because as great as ZFS is, someday someone is going to run into a problem 
> that it doesn't solve.  Having the right abstraction to begin with will 
> make that day easier when it comes.

I understand what Darren was proposing now.  He's talking about wiping
blocks as they are freed.

I initially thought he meant something like a guarantee on file deletion
that the file's data is gone -- but snapshots and clones are in conflict
with that, but not with wiping blocks as they are freed.

Now, if we had a bleach(1) operation, then we'd need a bleach(2) and a
VOP_BLEACH and fop_bleach.  But that's not what Darren is proposing.

> >I didn't have anything per file, but exactly what you said.  The policy
> >was when files are removed, when data sets are removed, when pools are
> >removed.
> Well, that's great for situations where things actually get removed.  It's 
> not so great for things that get rewritten rather than removed, and it 
> seems nearly useless for vdevs.  I think there's some benefit to making the 
> functionality directly available to user-mode, but more importantly, 
> there's a definite advantage to a system in which the user knows that a 
> file was bleached when they removed it, and not decades later when someone 
> gets around to removing a stray snapshot.  That difference can have serious 
> legal and/or intelligence implications.

Yes, I think that a bleach operation that forcefully removes a file's
contents even in all snapshots and clones, could be useful.  But I'm not
sure that we can get it.

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