On 13-Jan-07, at 11:52 AM, roland wrote:

i have come across an interesting article at :


it`s about sata vs. sas/scsi realiability , telling that typical desktop sata drives ".....on average experience an Unrecoverable Error every 12.5 terabytes written or read (EUR of 1 in 1014 bits)."

since the 1TB drive is out very soon, this really makes me afraid of data integrity on my backup disks, so the question is:

will zfs help detect/prevent such single-bit errors ?

i`m somewhat sure, that it will help if i use raid1 setup with ZFS - it`s self healing will detect those single-bit-errors and correct this - but what about single disk setup ?

can zfs protect my data from such single-bit-errors with a single drive ?

I suppose you could have redundancy between slices. But this is fairly pointless since it won't protect against the certainty of eventual whole-drive problems.


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