Bag-o-tricks-r-us, I suggest the following in such a case:

- Two ZFS pools
  - One for production
  - One for Education
  - Isolate the LUNs feeding the pools if possible, don't share spindles. 
Remember on EMC/Hitachi you've logical LUNs created by striping/concat'ng 
carved up physical disks, so you could have two LUNs that share the same 
spindle. Don't believe one word from your storage admin about we've lot of 
cache to abstract the physical structure; Oracle can push any storage 
sub-system over the edge. Almost all of the storage vendors prevent one LUN 
from flooding the cache with writes, EMC gives no more than 8x the initial 
allocation of cache (total cache/total disk space) and after that it'll stall 
your writes until destage is complete.

- At least two ZFS filesystems under Production pool
  - One for online redo logs and control files. If need be you can further 
seggregate them onto two seperate ZFS filesystems.
  - One for db files. If need be you can isolate further by data, index, temp, 
archived redo, ...
  - Don't host the 'temp' on ZFS, just feed it plain old UFS or raw disk.
  - Match up your ZFS recordsize with your DB blocksize * multi block read 
count. Don't do this for the index filesystem, just the filesystem hosting data

Rinse and repeat for your Education ZFS pool. This will give you substantial 
isolation and improvement, sufficient enough to buy you time to plan out a 
better deployment strategy given that you're under the gun now.

Another thought is while ZFS works out its kinks why not use the BCV or 
ShadowCopy or whatever IBM calls it to create Education instance. This will 
reduce a tremendous amount of I/O.

Just this past weekend I re-did our SAS server to relocate [b]just[/b] the SAS 
work area to good ol' UFS and the payback is tremendous; not one complaint 
about performance 3 days in a row (we used to hear daily complaints.) By taking 
care of your online redo logs and control files (maybe skipping ZFS for it all 
together and running it on UFS) you'll breathe easier.

BTW, I'm curious what application using Oracle is creating more than a million 
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