I've been playing with replication of a ZFS Zpool using the recently released 
AVS.  I'm pleased with things, but just replicating the data is only part of 
the problem.  The big question is: can I have a zpool open in 2 places?  

What I really want is a Zpool on node1 open and writable (production storage) 
and a replicated to node2 where its open for read-only access (standby storage).

This is an old problem.  I'm not sure its remotely possible.  Its bad enough 
with UFS, but ZFS maintains a hell of a lot more meta-data.  How is node2 
supposed to know that a snapshot has been created for instance.  With UFS you 
can at least get by some of these problems using directio, but thats not an 
option with a zpool.

I know this is a fairly remedial issue to bring up... but if I think about what 
I want Thumper-to-Thumper replication to look like, I want 2 usable storage 
systems.  As I see it now the secondary storage (node2) is useless untill you 
break replication and import the pool, do your thing, and then re-sync storage 
to re-enable replication.  

Am I missing something?  I'm hoping there is an option I'm not aware of.

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