
Thanks for the information these kernel type of patches.


On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 11:33 -0600, Gary Mills wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 09:20:49AM -0800, David W. Smith wrote:
> > 
> > Also, has anyone had problems installing 118855-36 with smpatch?  I had
> > issues, and ended up having to install it with patchadd.
> Apparently, this patch, and probably all future kernel patches,
> can't be applied with smpatch.  The recommended procedure is to
> run smpatch first to apply all patches that can be applied, then
> apply the kernel patch in single-user mode, do a reconfiguration
> boot, and then run smpatch to apply the remaining patch.  This is
> quite an unpleasant procedure when you are patching a large number
> of machines.
> You can use `smpatch add -i' to apply the kernel patch in single-user
> mode, but not `smpatch update'.
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