Uwe Dippel wrote:
On 2/11/07, Richard Elling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
D'Oh! someone needs to update www.opensolaris.org/os/community/zfs/demos/zfs_demo.pdf
answers below...

About a year ago we changed 'backup' to 'send' and 'restore' to 'receive'
The zfs_demo.pdf needs to be updated.

Oh, yes, then, please !

Cindy has found the source document and is bringing it up to date.
Thanks Cindy!

What is using c0d0s7?  Was is previously exported?  If you really don't
want the data on c0d0s7 any more, try using the '-f' flag.

> A third way also doesn't work:
> % zpool export home
> cannot unmount '/export/home': Device busy

This is often the case if there is an active process with files open or
current working directory in /export/home.

Also, this might find its way into the demo / document ...

IIRC, it was added to the sun-managers FAQ sometime around 1990.  It is
not ZFS-specific.  Eventually a '-f' flag was added to umount(1m)
That option also exists for "zfs unmount"

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

Quite straightforward: I have an install on c0d1 and want to transfer
that install to c0d0. As sysadmin, I need to do that frequently. On
c0d1, s1 is 'home'; on c0d0 it will be s7. Different size, so 'dd' is
out. Usually (BSD and Linux), 'dump' works extremely well for me, to
create a dump-file from a *mounted* file-system; which needs 'restore'
(or '|') for the other partition.

tar, cpio, rsync, rdist, cp, pax, zfs send/receive,... take your pick.

Could it be that you are looking for the zfs clone subcommand?

I'll have to look into it !

These are good questions, we should look to update the FAQ to show
some examples of common procedures.

Yes, please ! - ZFS seems to be so rich in features and so versatile.
If you guys are not careful, though, you are moving too fast for
newcomers. And then, what is 'sooo obvious' for you as developers,
might simply scare off others; who have no slightest clue how to even
*start* ! - One of my largest hurdles was and is the lack of a 'mount
/dev/dsk/cndmpx /mnt/helper'. *You* don't need it, but I still have no
clue, how to read a file on an unmounted slice on the other drive !!:
I am now on c0d0, everything quite okay, but I need a file from my
'old' home on c0d1s1. See, for you this is obvious, for me, after
hours of reading, not. So I need to boot to the other drive, copy the
file to '/' (ufs), reboot to c0d0, mount ufs on c0d1 and read that
file !! You will laugh about this, but your examples are simply all
'too high' and there are too many commands for me to know how to mount
an inactive slice *without creating a mirror, clone, slave, backup
..*; just to *read* a simple file and umount safely again! :)

I'm not sure why you would need to "boot to the other drive" when
you could just mount it?

Thanks for listening; and don't forget us beginners ! In the end, you
will need people to migrate to ZFS, and then it would be good to have
a 'cheat sheet'; a side-by-side comparison of 'classical' file system
tasks and commands with those used for ZFS.

I think this is a good idea if we could keep it at the procedural
level and not get into the "this option flag == that option flag"
Perhaps we should start another thread on this.
 -- richard

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